Jochem van der Linden

Jochem van der Linden

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Education and training in technology

Favourable job opportunities in engineering

LT Academy offers you relevant education, training and knowledge sessions on attractive terms and conditions, tailored to your situation.

Currently, there is a high demand for people with a technical background. With a technical education, you therefore have a good chance of finding a job. If you would like to hold a general management position, then you can follow specific learning programmes and training courses at LT Academy.

Our lecturers come from the field. This way, you can be sure that your training fits in perfectly with your daily activities. And thanks to our flexible study options, you can easily combine a technical study programme with your job. Contact us for the possibilities.

Course: Work planner in a new perspective

The entire learning process for the Work Planner course is modular. This meansmeans that you can choose to participate in certain modules only. Or that you can add extra sub-modules and practical assignments to your package. Employees are in charge of their own training path.

In the first module It involves basic skills, such as communication, drawing, role-playing, safeheath training, etc.

In the follow-up modules It revolves around professional specialisations such as planning, calculation, contract awareness, bidding, reporting, etc.

Blog jan schoenmaker lt group

Project management course

Coming soon: a new course available in our offer: module Project Management! Work in progress. 

Curious? Then keep keep an eye on the website. More information will follow soon!
